Small Groups beginning in mid October

NAU and CCC undergraduate groups
NAU Graduate Student Group

Email us at cmblue.nau from your NAU email if interested

Available Meeting Times-note if you prefer a virtual option
Tuesdays or Thursdays: 4:30pm; 5:30pm; 6:30pm; 7:30pm; 8:30 pm (virtual only)
Saturdays: 9:30am; 11:00am; 3:30pm; 4:30 pm
Sundays: 9:30am; 2 or 3pm

  • Book of Prophets

    For $5, participants will get a copy of the book or audio book. I highly recommend the audio book so you hear the voices of the various writers.

    24 different Queer activists, poets, theologians, thinkers and artists from many different faiths, belief systems and countries share their experiences of the harm and the healing related to religion and sexuality. Not a debate but a generous listening conversation “challenging religious communities to work toward a new normal where diversity is celebrated as a fundamental part of being human.”

  • On Being

    Conversations & Charcuterie boards

    Explores the BIG questions of meaning at the intersection of spiritual inquiry, science social healing and the arts. We have 2 suggested podcasts to begin the first 2weeks, and then will collectively decide where to go from there. Listen to the podcast during the week, and then join in an interesting conversation & w/ tasty snacks sparked by ideas shared on the podcast. No time to listen to the podcast, don’t let that stop you from participating in an interesting conversation. Open to NAU undergraduate students & graduate students.

  • Scripture and Conversation

    A more traditional small group, we’ll look at the scriptures that will guide our fall Sunday series, “Come to the Table” looking at what issues were being addressed by Jesus and the Disciples in the 1st Century, and what they might mean for our lives today.

    Come to the table of love, grace, joy and peace!